Enticing Cat - but not willing to move! In Cinque Terre Italy. S/B & Ink
Mon Amie - our precious little pal. S/B & WC
Olive, a rescue little cat living in the UK with dear friend. SB & WC
Jan Lowe, AGRA Impressionist & Animal Realist Artist
I am a signatory artist with the Australian Guild of Realist Artists (AGRA), and a member for over 25+ years, I studied in Canada/US and hold a Degree in Fine Art. Now work full-time as a professional artist/tutor/judge. Had the privileged to be invited as judge for art shows in Australia, and for various online international art shows in the US. As a realist artist, I work with Scratchboard, Watercolour on Claybord, Oil, and Pastel.
Within my paintings, I endeavour to investigate the dynamics of the subjects, including the manipulation of its effects and movement. My aim is to show nature at its most diverse, with colour and motion, telling a story that encourages creativity, my art is what I see and feel. Catching the vitality, emotion, passion, and movement and record that moment, it’s always a very personal journey. I question the concept of motion, revealing an inherent awkwardness as with my paintings of mischievous little cats, yes showing a stillness for a few seconds! What I wanted to achieve was to capture their individual unique personality and nature that echoes our own vulnerabilities, establishing a link between the subject’s reality and that imagined by its conceiver. My subjects are ones I know, places I have been and there is a special bond of how I felt for the place or creature. Animals are so exacting, to capture them from life is a challenge, so I do finish my subject with my photographs within my studio.
My subjects including our beautiful nature, I find interesting and memorable. My artworks have received acknowledgement as a winning artist in Australia, Europe, Canada, and the US. I have been so lucky to have been invited to hang in the US within the International Scratchboard Artists Society's annual shows –(invited) in Niagara Falls Gallery (Ontario Canada) In the ISSA Scratchboard show in the US in Berea Kentucky and Arizona and South Australia, since Covid, I have mainly exhibited by the internet. My Art features in international online competitions receiving successes such as Best in Show, Best Paintings, Work of Excellence, 1st, 2nd & 3rd, Best Drawing in the UK, France, Australia, Germany, Canada, and the US. My works have also been published in Europe, Canada and the US.
Exhibited solo and jointly since 2001, my last solo exhibition 2022 was held in the Victorian Artists Society Cato Gallery in Melbourne Au. However, I do regularly exhibit in international on-line competitions and also feature in various publications in France, UK, Germany, and Czech Republic (Prague).
Exhibiting and Awards: Regularly exhibition internationally in Canada, USA, UK and Europe and have been very lucky to have won many awards internationally and locally for my scratchboard and watercolour works. A list of awards is being updated and will be features underneath this BIO.
Membership: I am a member of Australia Guild of Realist Artists (AGRA), now newly reformed; International Guild of Realism USA (IGOR), Queensland Wildlife Artists Society AU (QWASI), Pastel Society of Australia (PSA), International Society of Scratchboard Artists (ISSA), Camelback Gallery Arizona USA, Circle Foundation of the Arts France (Featured Artist); Victorian Artist Society (Melbourne AU) and the oldest art society in Australia; Association of Animal Artists UK, Artists Society of Phillip Island, Phillip Island Contemporary Exhibition Space (PICES), Pastel Society of Victoria Australia (PSVA), Animal Artist Society UK, VAA UK, and others.
Working for the Art Community: I believe in putting in and have for over 25 years worked as President, Editor, Treasurer, V President, and Councillor for AGRA for 17years, and am an active member with the new AGRA reinstated by Lulu (president) with an Australia wide council, and ensuring the Realist Artists in Australia have a permanent home. Editor (Down under) for International Society of Scratchboard Artists US from 2014-2019, former ISSA VP, and since then as part of the Editorial team and look after Australia and New Zealand (Downunder) for ISSA. Currently the President of the Australian Pastel Society since November 2023 and in September taking up the role of Editor for the society, and currently the Secretary of PICES since January 2024, I am the Editor for QWASI and have been since 2022. Thank you for visiting our www.janlowefineart.com, if you have any queries, you are welcome to drop a note to my email: [email protected], (phone (61) 0437878174.
JAN LOWE, AGRA My Statement
Within my paintings, I endeavour to investigate the dynamics of the subjects, including the manipulation of its effects and movement. My aim is to show nature at its most diverse, with colour and motion, telling a story that encourages creativity. I am not guided by pressures of the outside world, my art is how I see my subjects, the feeling and the impact that place or creature had on me, its my story.
Ideally, I like to catch the subjects vitality, emotion, passion, and movement and record that moment. I like to question the concept of motion, revealing an inherent awkwardness. What I want to achieve is to capture its unique personality and nature that echoes our own vulnerabilities, establishing a link between the subject’s reality and that imagined by its conceiver.